Osmosis Funds


Osmosis Sustainability Principles:

  • Osmosis defines its sustainable investing through Resource Efficiency, evaluating carbon emissions, water usage, and waste generation.
  • Specializing in the environmental dimension (E), Osmosis leverages in-house expertise and proprietary data, integrating social and governance safeguards.
  • Objectives encompass delivering superior risk-adjusted returns and substantial reductions in portfolio environmental footprints.
  • Employing a best-in-class approach, Osmosis selects companies across sectors adept at efficiently using limited resources for economic value creation.
  • Osmosis actively engages with companies on environmental performance and disclosure.
  • The proprietary environmental database guides Osmosis' distinctive investment signal.
  • Osmosis maintains a competitive edge through ongoing investments in the environmental expertise of its human capital.
  • The Resource Efficiency metric emphasizes action, favoring companies at the forefront of resource management for economic value creation.

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